Yang Wan Apps

CA Certificates on Android 0.0.1
Yang Wan
This is just an experimental app forretrieving all CA certificates on your Android devices.If you have any issues, please file a crash report or emailme.This app provides simple search and sort features for users whowant to find the CA.
YOURSafe 1.4.0
Yang Wan
YOURSafe is the mobile app used in myresearchproject - Community Perceptions of Safer Spaces usingReal-timeAndroid Devices.The aims of my project are:1. To enable citizens to report when incidents happenaroundurban2. To enable citizens to express their perceptions of safetyinurban zone3. To encourage citizens to participate in making theirlocalcommunity saferHow to use:1. You can submit safety-related perception, incident,orperception+incident reports to the system.2. You also can see your & others' reports on aGooglemap.3. Please leave feedback or do the survey in-app.This is a collaborative project with DESURBS inITInnovation.DESURBS:http://desurbs.it-innovation.soton.ac.ukIT Innovation:http://it-innovation.soton.ac.ukCurrent version remains bugs due to time &resourceconstraints. Advanced versions will release in mid Aug2013.N.B.Thanks for the utility libraries:ActionBarSherlock: http://actionbarsherlock.com/SherlockNavigationDrawer: https://github.com/nicolasjafelle/SherlockNavigationDrawerPagerSliding: https://github.com/astuetz/PagerSlidingTabStriphttps://github.com/astuetz/ViewPagerExtensionsAndroid Maps Extensions: https://code.google.com/p/android-maps-extensions/This app requires Google Services Library to run.
CrosswordSolver 1.0
Yang Wan
description: 1 matching crosswords2anagram